Why are there no views on Tik Tok videos

If you have decided to use the TikTok platform not only as entertainment, but also as a blogger, then the question of video views will now come first for you. First of all, only this indicator has a role in the life of your channel, because if people don’t watch it, why is it needed at all? Let’s analyze the reasons why there are 0 views on TikTok videoand what affects it?

Reason for drop in views

We can speculate indefinitely what ultimately affects the number of views, but no one knows for sure how the tik tok algorithms work after all.no views

Consider some of the reasons:

  • The video may not be in the format of the site, so it is simply not played;
  • the plot of the video did not interest people;
  • The video is a copy of another successful blogger’s video;
  • Problems in the operation of the site system.

Tik Tok Analytics

Before looking for failures and problems in the system, analyze your own work. Tik Tok spins mostly popular, good quality videos that don’t break the rules. If you have at least one of these problems, then you should not wait for views.

When registering on TikTok, you are invited to read the rules, and in this case, this step cannot be skipped. It is from observing all the actions, restrictions and recommendations that you can become a successful blogger with a multi-million audience.

Video blocking

As we stated above, if a video is not gaining views, it is quite possible that it has been blocked. To check if this is the case, go to the application from another account and try to find your video. If it is active, you can see it in your profile or search feed, but if it is banned, you will not be able to find it.video blocking

To correct the situation, watch the video again and think about why it could be blocked. Next, contact support. If you find your mistake, it is better to correct it immediately and report it to the moderators, if not, then ask for an explanation why the video is not published.

Read more about ban situations and reasons for contacting support in our article “Tik Tok ban“.

Reuploading videos

Sometimes bloggers post new videos and cannot find a reason why they are not gaining views. The rules were followed, there is an audience, but there are no views.

The reason for this may be the re-upload of the old video. For content that duplicates another (exactly), your video may be closed from recommendations.

Tip: check similar descriptions, look for similar hashtags. It may be that you previously created a channel and published such a video on it, then you need to either delete the video or delete the old channel.

Age limit

According to the rules of the Tik Tok site, videos from users under 13 years old are not played, and even blocked if detected. Pay attention to your personal data, you may have made a mistake at the time of registration.

Privacy settings

Before uploading a video to Tik Tok, read all the nuances. There were many cases when users themselves set a limit on views for the general masses, without suspecting it themselves. This moment is indicated before the video is uploaded and before you publish it. Check the privacy settings of every video with 0 views. privacy setting

The same story can be if your account is listed as “private”.


  • The first 4-6 hours you can not sound the alarm about views. During this period of time, the video is analyzed and checked for violations.
  • If the video started gaining views, and then suddenly everything stopped. It can be either a system error or people’s indifference to the content. Or rather, it just didn’t work.
  • If the video is of a bad nature, or for some reason users did not like it, then they can file a complaint. And if the video gets more than 3 complaints, the video will be limited.


To get a lot of likes and views, you need to take your job seriously.Work out your content plan well, shoot bright videos, don’t break the rules and don’t steal other people’s ideas. The Tik Tok audience is completely diverse, and sometimes you don’t know what topic will surprise her today. Try new, unusual, do not be afraid to experiment and then your channel will become popular and often viewed.

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TikTok is a service for creating and viewing short videos
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