Coffee from Tik Tok

Tik Tok blew up hundreds of videos where everyone who is not too lazy to prepare cold coffee for the camera – cappuccino. Each blogger considers it his duty to check whether it is really possible to make a thick mousse or is it all fake. Everything is beautiful on the video, but you can check it yourself and we have prepared detailed instructions, how to make coffee from Tik Tok.

The same coffee from Tik Tok

It only takes a few minutes and the basic ingredients found in any kitchen to make this hype and popular drink. This is a wonderful refreshing drink that will invigorate and give vitality in hot weather. And even if you are just tired of classic coffee, you by definition do not like cappuccino and want to try something like that – this option is worth a from Tiktok

So let’s get started – coffee recipe from Tik Tok.


  • Instant coffee – 4 tsp
  • Milk – 1 cup
  • Sugar – 4 tsp
  • Warm water – 4 tsp

No coffee machine needed! To prepare this amazing drink, we need a simple instant coffee. We take 4 teaspoons of coffee, and the same amount of sugar. You can use other measuring utensils. For example, one tablespoon of coffee and sugar. Pour the ingredients into a convenient small dish, you can use a cup or a deep small bowl. Please note that it is important to keep the proportions – an equal amount of sugar and coffee to make the mousse thick. And all this we fill with 4 teaspoons (or one tablespoon) of warm water.

Next, this mass must be beaten well. You can use a mixer, it will take no more than 2 minutes. Or if you don’t have a mixer, a regular whisk will do. Of course, it is harder to beat by hand and this one will take a little more time. Gradually you will see how the mass of coffee / sugar / water changes color, becomes lighter and thicker. The task is to achieve a light cream color and a thick mousse-like consistency.

Then we take any glass, or a cup, or a glass and put a few pieces of ice on the bottom. This, of course, is optional. Pour milk into a glass, previously boiled and cooled to room temperature. Who does not like boiled milk, you can use store-bought, oatmeal, coconut, or whatever you like.

Spread a few teaspoons of whipped coffee cream on top of the milk.

Cold coffee

This drink is called Dalgona (Dalgona). And he comes from South Korea. The drink is named after a local sweet that is similar in taste and texture. The drink gained particular popularity in Russia and other countries due to the self-isolation regime, when Korean tiktokers began to actively explore the platform. They were bored, they filmed stories, videos, in general they had fun as best they could. And the drink recipe turned out to be surprisingly photohygienic. Cold Coffee

As a rule, Dalgona coffee is served in a glass glass so that the naked eye can see how a layer of whipped coffee foam gently falls on the surface of the milk. The saturation of the coffee flavor can be adjusted by the amount of whipped mass. If you need a stronger Dalgona, you can increase the number of coffee spoons to make the mousse. The cream can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator. Also, it is not necessary to use it cold, it goes well with hot milk, it will warm you on cold autumn evenings with a delicate coffee and milk taste.

Before the first sip it is better to mix the cream with milk. So much tastier.
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