Ranking on Tik Tok

Rating in Tik Tok is of great importance for users. The parameter shows how much your popularity has increased and how many people liked the post. With the help of the rating, you can monitor subscribers and see which video has become viral.

Where is the TikTok rating button

User rating information is located in the “Profile” tab (lower right corner of the phone). Below the ava is the number of followers, your followings and the total number of likes. tik tok statistics

If you tap on any icon, detailed statistics will open:

  • specific subscribers (by name);
  • list of subscriptions individually;
  • Specifically, who liked it.
Attention! Popularity is indicated by adding ads to recommendations. Videos become popular among subscribers, increasing monetization. Subscriptions may also include recommended videos

Statistics is the main weapon of tiktoker

Profile statistics are social network analytics. To view it, switch to “Business Account“.

To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Select your profile and click on the three horizontal bars (Menu) in the upper right corner.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select the “Account Management” tab.account management
  3. Determine the category and link your phone (mail) to your account.
  4. The “Tools for business” item will appear in the settings.
  5. Inside is the “Analytics” tab.
Warning! If you switch your profile back to “Personal” mode, you will have to set everything up again.

Built-in Tik-Tok statistics

You can collect data from subscribers, or videos. The service expands the capabilities of the profile.

The section consists of the following categories.

  1. Overview. Basic account information: total views, followers, and more.
  2. Content. Detailed analytics of clips that have become popular in the last 7 days.
  3. Subscribers. Detailed study of the audience: gender, geolocation, which videos are viewed more often, etc.

Quick analytics can be viewed through the video. In any of your posts, click the ellipsis and select one of the items.

To see another user’s statistics, download the app Popsters. This is a free utility that analyzes competitors, other people’s posts and determines the virality of clips. The program will study users in more depth and help monitor users of the social network.

How to increase rating in Tik-Tok

Rating in Tik-Tok allows you to promote your page and attract new subscribers. Unfortunately, knowing the statistics is one thing. In order for a clip to get to the top, you need to master the techniques for promoting content. how to raise rating

Experienced tiktokers share their experience.

  • Come up with a nickname that everyone can remember. Difficult names are not interesting for anyone to pronounce. “Loud” nickname will be on everyone’s lips and everyone will want to subscribe to it.
  • Be active. Follow other tiktokers, like posts and comment on videos. Other subscribers will be able to find you by your likes and comments.
  • Shoot interesting content, put hashtags. This will help promote the video.


The social network is very popular among users. To promote your account, use the statistics. If you use the tool correctly, your popularity will grow, and the video will attract new users.

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TikTok is a service for creating and viewing short videos
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