How to update Tik Tok

Tik Tok, like any other application, needs to be regularly checked for installations of the latest versions and carried out. Otherwise, there may be system crashes, video freezes, comments that appear at the wrong time, and other problems. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to update Tik Tok.

General recommendation

As a rule, updates themselves come to the phone, you can see the recommendations in the notification bar. But it also happens that you missed it, accidentally erased it, or for some other reason it did not come. In this case, you need to periodically look at AppsStore or Google to update tik tok

Update is not installed

In the event that a recommendation to replace the old version came to your phone or you yourself discovered it, but for some reason nothing was installed, this may be a failure in the operating system. Or, most likely, an outdated version. To fix this situation, first you need to update the software of the mobile device, and only then install the update for Tik Tok itself.

Recommendations for the Android operating system

Let’s see and figure out how to install a new version of TT for Android users. We do the following:

  1. Opening Google Play (Please note that when you install any updates on apps, the same account must be opened on them and on Google Play, otherwise it simply won’t load).
  2. Next, open the Google Play menu and click the “My apps and games” tab. There you will see all the available updates that are available for your device.
  3. Next, choose an update for Tik Tok and install it.

There is no update, but in fact there is

If you are sure that the new version has definitely been released, but you have silence on your phone and there is also silence in the Google Play menu in the list of new versions, then you need to act differently:

  1. Go to Google Play again.
  2. Next, we look for the Tik Tok application, and open the main page.
  3. Next, you need to scroll down a little to the “Latest news” section and see which update is out and which software versions support it.last update

Compare your version with the requested one. If your request does not match, update the software to the correct version.

How to update Tik Tok on iPhone

Update problems for Android owners are less common than for iPhone owners, and this is mainly due to constant updates.

How to update on IOS:

  1. Open the AppsStore application (the same rule works here as on Android, you need to log in under your account, otherwise the update will not work).
  2. Next, you need to open the bottom panel and click the item “Updates
  3. Go to the “Waiting” section and open a list of all available updates.
    Next, select Tik Tok and you’re done. The new version will start downloading immediately.

Function disabled

It is possible that you yourself have chosen the parameters so that they do not allow updates without your knowledge. To do this, you need to re-enable the function. Here is an example for Android:

  1. Open Play Store.
  2. Go to the menu and find the item “Settings“.
  3. Find the line “Auto-Update” and

Also be sure to disable the “Wi-Fi only” update. Please note that this is not worth doing if you use Wi-Fi most of the time, but for those who have unlimited mobile Internet, it would be better to turn it off.

How to unblock Tik Tok on iPhone

It happens that the update is not installed, it fails, or you need to update the software. What is the first, what is the second, may be due to outdated software.To fix the situation, go to the standard iPhone settings, then open the “General” item, select the “Software Update” item and click “Download” and ” Install“. After completing these steps, you can try installing the new version of the Tik Tok app again.

In any case, on each operating system, you can install automatic updates for the necessary applications, then you will definitely not miss the moment.

Unusual Tik Tok installation

If you downloaded the application without using Google Play or AppsStore, then you won’t be able to update it in the usual way. The application can also be installed using a browser, but there may not be an original platform, most likely you installed a copy. We recommend that you remove it and install it again through the store of your operating system.

Helpful Tips

  • Tik Tok recommendations update. Open the feed and click on the house, you will immediately get a fresh list of downloads.
  • Updates the feed. It often happens that when watching an interesting video, you accidentally touch the feed and update it. Nothing can be done here, Tik Tok does not remember your actions, and you will have to search for the video from memory.
  • Find your favorite video. As a rule, if we like the video, you like it. Thanks to this, the videos can be found later in the “videos you liked” section.


To update Tik Tok, we just need to go to the operating system store and check if it is exactly right. Usually it is installed automatically, but you may have disabled such a feature, or you did not have time to update your software. Do this to enjoy the platform without interruption.

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TikTok is a service for creating and viewing short videos
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