How to unfollow Tik Tok

The Tik Tok application allows its users not only to scroll through the feed of recommendations, but also subscribe to updates of people they are interested in. To do this, there is a separate feed called “Subscriptions” on the main page. But over time, something becomes irrelevant, annoying and you want to get rid of it. This article will help you figure out how to unfollow Tik Tok.

Step by step

If you’ve lost interest in certain people or subscribed by accident when you just wanted to click like, the following methods can help you. Everything is quite simple, but there are two possible quick options to choose from.

Method One

In the first case, we can go to a specific person in the profile. Just click on the button in the form of a person with a checkmark.Unfollowing an account in Tik Tok user profile

Unsubscribe will occur when three buttons (large bloggers often have four) change to one red inscription. In this case, we lose the ability to write a private message to the user.What does unsubscribing from a Tik Tok account look like

Second method

Here we do it a little differently:

  1. Go to your own page, it is located in the bottom menu under the “Me” button.Go to Tik Tok account
  2. Going to “Subscriptions“.Go to Tik Tok subscriptions
  3. Scrolling through a huge (or not so) list of those you follow.

Depending on the number, you can start clearing this list, or scroll to the desired person, from which to unsubscribe, simply by clicking on the button to the right of the nickname.Deleting a subscription in tick tok

If it changes to red, then you have succeeded. Also, any nickname can be entered in the search at the top of the page.What does an unsubscribe look like on a Tik Tok profile

This method is convenient for its speed, you only need to press the same buttons in a row until you get bored, for example.

How to get rid of all subscriptions with one button

I would like to warn all the curious that Tik Tok did not provide such an opportunity. And all the methods praised on the Internet, especially if they ask you to enter your data, are aimed at deception. Do not trust your password to any third party service. Most often, they want to deceive you.

Any mass unsubscribes (as well as subscriptions) can lead to a ban. Therefore, if you plan to manually get rid of a large number of profiles, you should do it intermittently. It is enough to interrupt for two or three minutes after every ten to fifteen people.

How to find unsubscribers

If you are interested in seeing specific people who have unsubscribed, then you will not be able to do this (only if you do not remember the users by name, and you have few of them). However, we are entitled to visit the statistics of our page. For this:

  1. In the “Me” tab, click on the top button in the form of three lines.Go to TikTok profile settings to view statistics
  2. Go to “Author Tools“.Go to TikTok author tools section
  3. Then to “Analytics“.View analytics in Tik Tok profile

Be careful. This block will not open if you do not have at least one published video.

We have several tabs available. Let’s move on to the one of interest – “Subscribers“. Here you can see the activity under your videos, growth, etc. But in order for it to work, you need to give Tik Tok time, and then visit this section again.Go to Tik Tok statistics section

Why am I losing followers

No one will give you a direct answer. But we can assume some things. For example, compare activity before and now. If it has been reduced to a minimum, although it has always kept an approximate good level, then it is quite possible that you are in the shadowban.

This is due to a number of different minor violations. This is not very scary, but such an event wants to be waited out. Do not show activity for a couple of days (it will not be noticed anyway), preferably about a week. Then try to post something and check.

Try to analyze your content and the page as a whole. Maybe you changed the format or did something unusual that your audience might not like? If this does not apply to the ban, then it can be directly related to you or Tik Tok algorithms, which are still incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Unable to unsubscribe

If for some reason you are unable to complete the action, you can try restarting your internet or device. You can also try to update the version of Tik Tok if a new one has already been released or clear the cache inside the application. This is done like this:

  1. Go to “I“.
  2. Click on the top three lines.
  3. Scroll down to the “Cache and mobile data” section and select “Free up space“.Go to Tik Tok's cache clearing section
  4. Select “Clear Cache“.Clear Tik Tok cache

By clicking on this button, we erase all the data inside our application at that moment in time. For example, drafts. Approach this action thoughtfully. But remember that this can help solve your device freezing issue.

Sometimes phones simply do not pull the amount of information that is located on them. In addition, Tik Tok is quite a voluminous and heavy application for smartphones.


It is very easy to stop seeing boring faces in interesting things. We considered as many as two possible ways, and also sorted out some errors. Remember that multiple repeated actions can lead to account suspension, it is very important not to rely on third-party applications.

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TikTok is a service for creating and viewing short videos
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