How to reply to a comment on Tik Tok

When viewing materials on TikTok, people are very fond of leaving their opinion there. It can be expressed as video likes under videos, and in posting comments. Sometimes a whole discussion arises under the rollers. I really want to join it, leave my opinion. In this article, we will talk about how to reply to a comment on Tik Tok.

Under own video

First, it is worth mentioning that you can leave an opinion under the materials only if the author has allowed it.

This can be done in two ways. Either individually for each video, or through the settings.

Through settings

  1. For this method, go to your profile, it is in the bottom menu.
  2. Now in the upper right corner, click on three parallel lines, these are the settings.
  3. We will open a new page where we must select the item “Privacy“.
  4. Here, in the “Security” section, we can see the various options that are fully set for our profile.
  5. Search for the “Comments” button and click on it.comments

Here we have three options: the ability to leave comments to everyone, your friends, or no one. Among other things, there are filters for messages that you can leave in the comments. Once you have set the desired setting, you can not save anything – everything is already saved.

Individually for each video

For this method, we must publish a video. Having gone through all the stages of editing, we find ourselves on the screen where we set the description, the cover of the video, and so on. This is where we can find the privacy item, and set the setting we need in it. They are exactly the same here, but they will be applied only to this material, and nowhere else.

In the same way, we can change the set parameters for the previously posted material. Just follow the arrow to the right, and there find the item of the same name.

  1. In order to leave a comment, we must open the specific video we need.
  2. Then select the button that looks like a chat from the right side menu.
  3. Bottom we will see a line that will say “Add“.
  4. Click there, write what we need, and then save.

You can do this using the pink up arrow button. This will send the comment to the general list of already existing ones. Or you will be the first.

Reply and join the discussion

Everything is quite simple here. If you like or are offended by another opinion, just click on it. An additional window will appear where you can write.


Now you know how to leave your opinion, or respond to another. It’s pretty simple, TikTok doesn’t restrict you. The main thing is not to forget to follow the rules, do not insult, do not call for violence, do not mention forbidden things.

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TikTok is a service for creating and viewing short videos
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