How to get more likes on Tik Tok

Many people dream of becoming famous on Tik Tok. But how to get a lot of likes on TikToknot everyone knows. You never know what video will fly into the recommendations and subscribers will actually like it. However, there are a number of general recommendations that will help you get closer to your cherished dream and popularity.

What are likes on Tik Tok for?

Likes are a kind of indicator of popularity. Growing your follower base starts with likes on Tik Tok. By the number of hearts, the user who sees the video in the feed can judge how interesting or useful it is. why do we need likes

Why followers don’t like

There are several reasons for this:

  • poor profile design;
  • poor quality video;
  • no activity;
  • Incorrect post time;
  • shadowban.

Blocking automatically reduces attendance. Users simply don’t see your profile in recommendations.

If these reasons do not explain the current situation, the account needs to be promoted. Talented but unknown TikTokers are the norm for big social networks. With quality content and smart advertising, you can achieve incredible fame.

How to get a lot of likes on Tik Tok

Before you know how to get a lot of likes on Tik Tok, you should know some facts about the platform.

First, TikTok is not just an entertainment platform. Many companies use it as a way to promote their products and drive traffic to their website. how to get a lot of likes

Second, keep in mind that your followers aren’t going anywhere unless you push them away. As is the case with any other social networks, they will age with the platform, so check the loyalty and make sure the content will also be relevant to them.

And now let’s move on to the methods of getting likes.

Buy Likes

Time is a valuable resource, and not everyone is willing to spend it on advertising. Massliking is one of the easiest ways to get more likes on your videos and go viral on TikTok.

Be careful when choosing paid cheat services, there are a lot of scammers in this niche. Most often, the user throws off money for cheating in a dubious office, where he is simply deceived.

Profile design

Getting more likes on TikTok doesn’t mean you only have to work on your content. Make sure you choose an interesting username and an attractive avatar. Write a couple of phrases about yourself, use emojis, and don’t forget to add a link to your Instagram or YouTube account! Tik Tok design

Interaction with the audience

Interacting with both your fans and other creators is a sure way to get more likes on TikTok. If you actively comment on someone else’s content, you will get feedback.

Using the right hashtags

On social media, hashtags are seen as the best way to reach new audiences, and on TikTok, this is one of the best ways to get more likes. Make sure you use the most relevant hashtags.

Using analytics

To access TikTok analytics, you need to upgrade to a Pro account (it’s free). Analytics allows you to understand the performance of your account and suggests how to improve it. Here you can see which video has received the most likes and vice versa. This way you can break down material that has been well received by the public, as well as learn from past mistakes. use analytics

Promotion on other social media platforms

If you let your followers (like YouTube or Instagram) know about your TikTok videos, it will also get you a lot of likes. You can also post your TikTok videos to your Instagram account.

Duets and collaborations with other authors

Duets are one of the most fun features of TikTok. It does not take too much effort to create a duet, and you will be easily noticed. When you duet with another influencer, use the right hashtags. Sometimes a joint video becomes even more popular than the original one.

Publish at the right time

Post videos when people spend the most time on Tik Tok. The ideal time to post depends on your country, usually between 10:00 and 13:00 and then between 16:00 and 21:00.publish at the right time

Follow the trends, change the content that you have already seen in the recommendations. Popular content is already proven and people like it, if you can remake it in your own way and improve it, it will definitely get you more likes.

Interesting video title and description

One of the classic ways to get a like is with a catchy title and an appropriate description for a video.

Copyrighted Material

Do not use copyrighted content. What happens if you use copyright material? Your video will go back to 0 views and become inaccessible to the public, which will negatively impact your account. material, copyright


TikTok is tough on hate speech and racial discrimination. LGBT or religious hatred will bring your video back to 0 views. The algorithm checks the description, title, and language you use in the clip. They also use a smart algorithm to read the text on the video. Eventually you will be banned.

Featured Tracks will link your post to many other famous videos. You can choose the best songs in the music section of TikTok.

Likes limits

It’s no secret that there are limits on likes on the Tik Tok platform. When massliking, be careful and stick to your limits. If a user’s account has a positive balance and no previous policy violations have been reported, the user’s account is unlikely to be affected. However, this is enough for the administration to suspect that the account has been hacked. limits for likes

At the moment, the limit is 500 likes per day. The restriction also applies to subscriptions – only 200 pieces per day.

Mobile software for boosting likes

You don’t have to trust mobile apps. In order for the site to access the account, the information must be entered manually and the software immediately reads the user’s data. The account can be hacked due to rampant phishing.

Link only to recommended apps. Do not pay attention to user ratings and comments, as they may be custom.

TikBooster is one of the recommended software. This app has done well in the mobile market. All thanks to a unique feature that offers free ads when watching commercials.

There are many ways to speed up your progress on Tik Tok. Everyone should choose the one that he likes best. The main thing is to avoid the crooks that exist in all niches.


With the right strategy, it’s not hard to get more likes on TikTok and now you don’t have to worry about which approach you should take. Just remember these tips and put them to good use.

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TikTok is a service for creating and viewing short videos
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