How to manage Tik Tok

Tik Tok is one of the most popular social networks today. Initially, the project was a video platform, but later became a universal platform. Now in TikTok you can watch videos, become the author of the same videos, as well as chat with friends, duets with your favorite bloggers and others. This article will tell you in detail about how to manage Tik Tok.

Platform Information

Until the beginning of 2020, the main Tik Tok audience were children and teenagers. The content was also relevant, mostly clips of “lipsinks” flashed before our eyes, this is when people open their mouths to someone else’s voice recording and create a fictional story. With the growth of the audience, the age indicator also began to grow, now most of the audience of the platform is over 18 years old, plus we can say at the moment the audience over 40 is growing quite well. And this statistics applies not only to viewers, but also to those who began to lead your feeds.platform information

How Tik Tok works

Working on TikTok is a pleasure, if your content is worthy, then the platform itself will promote and recommend it to new subscribers and people who have entered the network as a guest.

How to know if people like a video

The algorithm distributes all videos according to the following indicators, which are directly affected by the viewers themselves.

  • reposts;
  • checks;
  • comments;
  • likes.

For example, your video was highlighted in the news feed, a couple of people watched it and liked it or left a comment. The algorithm immediately picks up the activity and tries to push the video to the beginning of the feed and show it to an even larger part of the audience. Thus, you can get your benefit, and the platform receives new registrations.

What is being done for normal users

The algorithm also takes care of just watching. After registration, each new user has an empty section with subscriptions. But the tape with recommendations is filled with a variety of videos. Over time, you will like the ones you like or subscribe to interesting channels. And the algorithm will already offer you new videos based on your interests.

Instructions for beginners

Let’s talk about what newbies should do. Where to start?


First of all, decide on the format of the channel that you are going to host. The platform and viewers do not like very diverse content. For example, one video is about parenting, and the other is “trolling” or a cooking recipe. It is necessary to try to choose such a subject that it would be possible to shoot a lot and diverse under it. Otherwise, the audience will be divided into satisfied and not so satisfied. формат

There are topics that are strictly designed for a narrow audience, such as: advice from a psychologist, recommendations from lawyers, narrow sales, culinary recipes, and so on.

Topics designed for a wide audience: humorous videos, household tips, craft life hacks, fitness exercises and tips for all occasions.

Sign up, work on the channel

After installing the application on the device, we go through the standard scheme. We choose a nickname (at this stage it is better not to bother much, the nickname should be simple and memorable so that users can easily find you).

Next, you need to choose an avatar, please note that you also need to choose an ava that is bright and memorable, it is desirable that it reflects your essence of activity.

Profile description

In this section, you should not write kilometer-long petitions, it is advisable to keep within a few sentences so that the user is not too lazy to read them. It is desirable that you can immediately catch the essence – on which channel it is located.

When your channel reaches a new level and monetization is activated, in the description it will be possible to indicate the data for contacting you for the purposes of advertising and sponsorship (donations).

Shooting videos

Now you can start shooting videos. This point needs to be taken seriously. It is not necessary to run to stores and buy expensive equipment, this can be left for later. Here it is important to think over all the points well: what will your video be about, what is the script, what is the moral and so on. сьемка ролика

PRO account

After connecting a PRO account, statistics and analytics will be available to you. It is important not to rush, and learn to understand them.

Track activity across your videos and channel every day.Which videos are liked more, which ones are recommended to friends and commented on? Based on this data, you will be able to understand what exactly the audience wants and, thus, it will be much easier to adapt to their desires.

Attracting a potential audience

Having shot several videos, the channel is already acquiring some kind of picture, in addition to waiting for the platform algorithm to work, you can help yourself. Share videos on social networks, groups and other resources. In this way, you will be able to intrigue or interest an audience that does not even have Tik Tok installed yet.


After a short period of time, your work will bear fruit. You can already make a choice on how to move on. For example, shoot more videos and upload several videos a day, or shoot less often, but delve into the quality. At this stage, you can already take care of the equipment: buy a good microphone, purchase special lighting for filming, and so on.

As a rule, bloggers maintain several accounts at the same time on different sites. When your Tik Tok becomes popular, why not use it for free advertising on other sites? реклама своих соц сетей

For example, shoot an unfinished video with intrigue, and post it along with a nickname, for example, on Instagram or a link to YouTube. Subscribers who are interested in your content will click through, watch, and have a 50% chance of subscribing.


Having gained a certain number of subscribers, you can already earn on the channel – it can be advertising, cooperation with other bloggers, promotion of new channels, and so on. It is important to follow the rules of the site in order to avoid blocking.

You can also collect donations. For example, many successful bloggers launch live broadcasts and open fundraising. If subscribers like you, they may well send you thanks in the form of cash. There were cases where bloggers rented 100 thousand rubles or even more in one live broadcast.

How to conquer Tik Tok in three months

Here are various tips that can help you on the difficult path of achieving a large number of subscribers:

  1. It is better to choose a simple, bright, memorable name. It will be much easier for the audience to find you if you are spelled “flower” and not “flower82372399”
  2. When describing your BIO, it is better to be extremely honest and, at the same time, approach the matter with seriousness. Find something interesting and remember, when you become popular, it will all come out to the masses.
  3. Photo. It’s better to use your own photo. But for Ava to work out the background, it must be bright and memorable.
  4. Video quality. People don’t like dark videos, or videos shot with a bad camera.
  5. Select content. When choosing a topic for a channel, you need to build on your own feelings. First of all, you should like it, then success will not be far off.
  6. Jokes. Remember, people don’t like it when they make fun of others or talk about global issues in a negative way. Let the humor be light and casual.
  7. Rules. Not an unimportant moment. If you violate them, then you should not expect success. The algorithm and bots will simply not play your videos, or they will simply be blocked. So there can be no talk of new subscribers.
  8. Challenges. It is very important to follow this idea. Now they are at the peak of popularity, you can come up with your own, or accept a challenge to participate from other more advanced bloggers.
  9. Nostalgia. If new ideas have stalled, and there is emptiness in your head, then it is worth remembering that the age audience of the site has grown a lot. Choose a couple of hits from the nineties and edit a nostalgic video with interesting pictures.
  10. Caution. Remember that everything is only in your hands. Keep track of the indicators, and even if they have fallen a little, you should not take a step back, it is better to take 2 forward.
  11. Tik Tok has recommendations for music, masks, effects, and so on. Follow them and use them, all data is compiled in the interests of the audience.
  12. Don’t disappear from the tape. Posting videos twice a day is a lot, but once a week is not enough. You need to find a middle ground, and despite everything, upload at least one video a day. The competition is growing fast, and the audience should not forget you.
  13. Catch the wave. If 10 videos didn’t get views, and the last one shot, then you need to focus on close content and shoot more.

Let’s talk about more “reckless” advice. They should be used if you want to attract more audience in a shorter period of time.

  • Style.It is necessary to carry out such work on oneself so that “my own mother does not recognize it.” Now it is difficult to surprise the audience, but if you can work out your trick, then in less than a day you will catch your gold star.
  • Suffering from nonsense is what is literally at the peak of popularity now. You can make a fooling around video, but make sure the content is friendly and legal.
  • Don’t stuff too many special effects, but remember that people love epic stuff, and you need to work hard on that.
  • Hyperactivity. The trait is not the best, but sometimes it can be useful. Upload about 10 videos within an hour and, quite possibly, the algorithm will throw you into the first lines of the recommendation feed.

Become successful in an hour

For those who came to TikTok not for personal promotion, but to promote some product or Internet platform, the toughest tactics will do. In simple terms, to advance in an hour is to break all the rules. To do this, you can do the following:

  • subscribe to everyone;
  • buy likes;
  • buy followers and others.

But in this situation, you need to remember that such a channel simply will not live for a long time. Remember, if you want to use the site for a long time and even more so make money on it, follow all the rules and take your business seriously and with to become successful in an hour

Frequently asked questions

Let’s take a look at some questions that users are interested in.

Is there a “shadowban” in Tiktok?

Yes there is. It works like a shadowban on Instagram. If you break the rules slightly, you can be punished, which you won’t even know about. Your videos will no longer appear in the top, appear in recommendations, and even in the subscription feed of subscribers.

Wait for a while, do not be active (about a week), and then continue to conduct your activities again, but do not repeat past mistakes.

How to use hashtags and not get Tik Tok shadowban?

In such cases, it is better to choose those that are not used so often, it would also be nice if the hashtag fits the topic of the video. Don’t spam hashtags, it won’t do you any good.

Can I get banned for cheating followers or likes?

They can. It will no longer be a shadow ban at all, but quite natural, which cannot be bypassed. You can simply lose your account. Therefore, be careful with all services that offer cheating. Yes, they can work, but they can also result in a ban.


To lead Tik Tok, you need to decide on many things, think through ideas, be active and give feedback to the audience. Do not forget about the design of your profile. All this is certainly important, and will affect the number of your subscribers, as well as their attraction.

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TikTok is a service for creating and viewing short videos
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